AI-Powered Automatic Recipe Generation

We're thrilled to announce an exciting new feature in Wholesum - AI-powered recipe generation! Whether you're a seasoned chef or just beginning your culinary journey, this powerful tool is designed to make your menu planning even more convenient and creative.

How to Use AI-Powered Recipe Generation

With this new feature, creating a delicious recipe has never been easier. Follow these simple steps to get started:

  1. Login to Your Wholesum Account: Ensure you're logged into your Wholesum account. If you don't have one yet, sign up—it's quick and easy!

  2. Navigate to "My Recipes": After logging in, head over to the "My Recipes" section.

  3. Create a New Recipe: Click on the "Create New Recipe" button.

  4. Use the AI-Powered Recipe Generator: Within the recipe editor, you'll find the AI-powered recipe generator. Simply click on it to access the magic.

  5. Input Your Prompt: Provide a prompt for your recipe, which could be a specific cuisine, a theme, or just a few key ingredients you have in mind.

  6. Review and Customize: Let the AI do its thing! It will draft a recipe for you, complete with serving size and ingredient quantities. Feel free to review and customize it to your liking.

  7. Save Your Draft: Once you're satisfied with the recipe, save it to your collection.

Check Out Our How-To Video

To get a better understanding of how to use this feature effectively, we've created a short and informative video tutorial. In this video, you'll see a step-by-step guide on using the AI-powered recipe generator. It provides valuable tips on making the most of this innovative tool and creating recipes that suit your tastes and preferences.


